We are an all volunteer organization supporting needy women facing crisis pregnancies and their children.
In 2022, the Gabriel Project Cluster:
Assisted over 350 low-income women and their families. Some of the resources provided were as follows:
Financial aid: $50,930 was paid directly to local hospitals for prenatal care for specific mothers.
Diapers and Wipes: 108,000 diapers and 1,527 containers of baby wipes were delivered.
Grocery gift cards: Over $13,000 in gift cards was provided.
Cribs: 112 cribs and 114 mattresses were purchased by the project, along with 226 crib sheets. These items were delivered to client mothers, and the cribs were assembled in the mothers’ homes by the project’s crib team.
Strollers: 126 single strollers and 15 double strollers were provided.
Nutritional Products: 192 containers of infant formula, 38 containers of nutritional supplements, 18 containers of baby cereal, and 18 jars of baby food were provided.
Car seats: Over 100 car seats were provided through the project's arrangement with Montgomery County Fire & Rescue. The project reimbursed the county for the cost of the seats.
Pack 'n Plays: 42 were provided.
Diaper Bags: 141 were provided.
Bath Tubs: 93 were provided.
Miscellaneous Items: Booster seats, nursing pillows, baby bottles, maternity clothes, clothing for infants and older children, coats, shoes, baby lotion and shampoo, toys, and story books were given to client mothers and their families.
115 Thanksgiving Dinners, donated by a local business and supplemented with extra goodies purchased by the project, were delivered by Angel Friend volunteers to client mothers.
115 Christmas Dinners, purchased by the project, along with Christmas gifts for children in client families, were delivered by Angel Friend volunteers to client mothers.
Innumerable Prayers were offered by prayer volunteers in D.C. and 23 states.